Packaging Roundup: Fresh Produce On the Go


1. Cheeriots Ready to Eat Snacking Tomatoes

2. Green Giant Fresh Baby Broccoli

3. Green Giant Baby Carrot Snack Pack and Bolthouse Farms Baby Carrot Snack Bags

4. Mott’s Sliced Apples Snack Packs

5. Pearls Black Pitted Olives to Go

6. BerryQuick Blueberry Snack Packs

7. Baloian Farms Sweet Mini Peppers with ranch dressing On the Go Snack Cup

For a long time, apples, oranges, and bananas have ruled the roost when it comes to fresh produce on-the-go. Most fruits and vegetables require cleaning, peeling, or need protection from squishing – hardly a grab-and-go ideal. For snack-pack sized packaging solutions, mini boxes of raisins or of syrupy cups of fruit salad have been the standard.

While consumers have lots of healthy on-the-go options when it comes snacks like nuts, or pureed smoothie-like drinks full of fruits and vegetables, there haven’t been many offerings for snack-size servings of fresh produce. Recently we’ve noticed a number of brands coming out with individual portions of fruits and vegetables. With many dip brands (such as Sabra hummus and salsa, Jif peanut butter, and Wholly Guacamole dip) coming out in their own on-the-go cups, it seems natural that prepared fruits and veggies would follow.

What’s the easiest way to take fresh fruits and vegetables on the go?

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